Embracing Imperfection: 3 Strategies to Reduce Stressful Situations by Johnny Lascha, CLC, CHC, PQ Coach

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  January 4, 2024
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
In a world that often emphasizes perfection, the concept of being perfectly imperfect can be liberating. Acknowledging our flaws and embracing our imperfections is a crucial step towards personal growth and improved interpersonal relationships. Nowhere is this more evident than when dealing with confrontational people. Whether it’s a colleague, friend, or family member, conflicts are inevitable. The key lies not in eliminating these confrontations but in improving self-regulation to navigate them more effectively. Cultivate Positive/Emotional

The link between sleep and mental health 

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  January 4, 2024
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
Sufficient sleep is often an unsung hero of overall health. When people get enough sleep, their bodies are in a better position to fend off illness, and the rest ensures they have enough energy to tackle whatever challenges they confront. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society jointly recommend that adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night. A good night’s sleep is often discussed in terms of how

Every day, a new beginning / English & Spanish Translations / from Spotlight January issue page 31

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  January 2, 2024
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Category: Espanol, Article
After the holidays, and the celebrations, with many projects in progress and some intentions in mind, the new year starts and gives us the feeling of new beginnings, of ideas and dreams to fulfill, although every day, we live many of them. How often have you promised to change some habits or start projects you have had in mind for many years and still haven’t started? This feeling of renewing or starting, take advantage of

Exercise guidelines for adults

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  January 1, 2024
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
A physically active lifestyle has been linked to a host of health benefits, including a reduced risk for various chronic diseases and a longer, healthier life. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services notes that moving more and sitting less benefits people regardless of their age, sex, race, ethnicity, or even current fitness levels. Whether they’re adapting to a more physically active lifestyle, already physically active, or somewhere in between, individuals can benefit from

Students Working Against Tobacco Gives Florida Youth the Tools They Need To Help Reduce the Tobacco Industry’s Influence and Advocate for Change.

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  January 1, 2024
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Category: Press Release, Article
The need for youth to speak up and make their voices heard about the issues they care about is as important as ever, which is why one student-led organization in Florida is leading the way in the fight against the tobacco industry and the addictive products that target youth. Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) is a statewide youth organization focused on educating, empowering, and mobilizing Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. As