Every day, a new beginning / English & Spanish Translations / from Spotlight January issue page 31

After the holidays, and the celebrations, with many projects in progress and some intentions in mind, the new year starts and gives us the feeling of new beginnings, of ideas and dreams to fulfill, although every day, we live many of them. Read More …

Hispanic or Latino? Are they all the same? English Translation from Spanish / Spotlight October issue page 31

One of my first visits to the United States years ago had the mission of learning more about the language, and I clearly remember my English teacher who, upon seeing me, told me, “You are Colombian”! His comment left me speechless because without knowing me or hearing any of my Spanish accent, he identified me immediately. He only told me: “You have it written on your forehead.” Read More …

Los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos a mantener su peso bajo control

La obesidad representa una amenaza importante para adultos y niños en todo el mundo. El sobrepeso o la obesidad son una preocupación particular para los niños porque los kilos de más que ganan en la niñez, pueden acompañarlos hasta la edad adulta, lo que podría provocar problemas de salud graves en el futuro. Read More …