Workplace Essentials: Characteristics of Confidence / By Alan Bernstein, SHRM-SCP

Confident communicators have a variety of skills they use to reach success, even during challenging circumstances. Developing these skills will substantially improve your personal and professional lives in many ways. Although confidence can be expressed in many ways, there are often shared characteristics among confident individuals. Read More …

2023 Space Coast Symposium August 25th

Changeā€¦it is happening at such an incredible pace that the average person may find it difficult to keep up with advancements in the areas of science, technology, aerospace, transportation, communications, and more. Read More …

Workplace Essentials: Resolving Conflict at Work /

People often assume that conflict is always negative. This is not true! People are inherently different, and conflict can happen when those differences come to light. Equipped with a conflict resolution process, you can explore and understand those differences and use them to interact in a more positive, productive way. Read More …

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Your Small Business Thrive? by Kim Shivler / M. ED

One of the challenges for many solopreneurs, people who run their own businesses and work as a sole provider, especially coaches, consultants, and service providers, is that everything in the business falls on their shoulders, and sometimes it can seem overwhelming. Read More …