
As Our World Continues to Turn / by Angela Bozorth,

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  June 3, 2020
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
by Angela Bozorth, When I was a young child I remember my babysitter would watch a soap opera called “As the World Turns”.   Several years later, on a holiday break my mother and I were watching television when that very show came on.  I was surprised when Mom told me she used to keep up with her favorite show the best she could for a working girl until real life became more dramatic than

Safeguard against COVID-19 when grocery shopping

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 30, 2020
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
Supermarkets and other food merchants are allowed to stay open as “essential” retailers amid the mass shutdowns prompted by the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Along with banks, gas stations and takeout restaurants, supermarkets are among the few places that people are allowed to visit to procure the necessities of everyday life. Even with social distancing and other precautions in place, grocery stores remain high-traffic locations. As a result, many people feel concerned about how

June 2020

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 29, 2020
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Category: Issues, Issues 2020
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Beware of skimmers and shimmers 

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 28, 2020
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
  Personal safety refers to physical and mental well-being, but individuals also must take steps to safeguard their financial well-being. Thieves have various ways to steal individuals’ personal data — everything from hacking into banking or shopping accounts to stealing physical mail. But thieves also have more sophisticated, often hidden ways to steal private financial data. Consumer Reports says the public should be aware of skimmers and shimmers, which are sophisticated devices that steal data

Why is it a Good Time to Create Blogs, Courses, and Online Events? / by Kim Shiver, M.Ed, Speaker, Communications Strategist

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 18, 2020
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by Kim Shiver, M.Ed, Speaker, Communications Strategist   If you’re like most of the US, the current situation of Coronavirus, shelter in place and changes in business have likely affected your life. Whether looking to pivot or re-build your business after we re-open, this is a perfect time to spend creating content. Providing quality content is a great way to showcase your expertise in what you do. From massage therapy to website development, there are