What Do You Expect?

There is nothing more invigorating than the beginning of a new year, it always signals a time for new opportunities. We set our ‘resolutions’, write down our personal and professional goals and develop our marketing plan for our business. We have great expectations that ‘this is the year’! It is now the 3rd month of the ‘new’ year, the last month of the 1st quarter – where are you with those expectations for your business? Read More …

How to Get the Most Out of Your Advertising

by : Ian Cox, You spent countless hours putting your ad together. You spend your hard earned marketing dollars getting that ad into the hands of the people who need and desire your services. However, you’re not finished there. Now, it’s time to capture those leads and collect the return on your invested effort. Your prospects are best served by becoming clients. Prospects are those who respond to your advertisement and have the ability to Read More …