
Hispanos o Latinos? Son todos iguales?

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  October 10, 2023
Category: In Spanish
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Una de mis primeras visitas a Estados Unidos años atrás tuvo la misión de aprender más del idioma y recuerdo claramente a mi profesora de Inglés que al verme me dice “Tú eres Colombiana”!. Su comentario me dejó sin palabras porque sin conocerme o escuchar algo de mi acento en español, me identificó de inmediato. Solo me dijo: “Lo tienes escrito en la frente.” Buscando definiciones en la ‘web’, hispanos son aquellos que comparten la
One of my first visits to the United States years ago had the mission of learning more about the language, and I clearly remember my English teacher who, upon seeing me, told me, “You are Colombian”! His comment left me speechless because without knowing me or hearing any of my Spanish accent, he identified me immediately. He only told me: “You have it written on your forehead.” Searching for definitions on the web, Hispanics are
Anybody who has read my column over the past few years knows that I am a pretty big fan of Halloween, specifically, and of autumn in general. Sunflowers and apple pies (the scent of cinnamon is my jam!) and Halloween decorations and carved pumpkins, oh me, oh my! I have enjoyed sharing quite a bit of information about Halloween in past articles, but this year, I want to go in a different direction and of
Silver Springs, Ocala, the answer to Hollywood’s search for our very own Jungle Paradise!  Imagine Tarzan himself swinging from tree to tree, belting out his iconic howl above in the Oak tree canopy draped with Spanish Moss as it drifts effortlessly in the sultry air. While at my weekend job, I have shared that I write for this magazine to various coworkers of mine. As I struck up a conversation with Jade, she shared that
The holiday season is a time to gather and celebrate with family. In recent years, families have become more and more diverse, particularly in regard to faith. For example, data from the Pew Research Center indicates that 46 percent of Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 29 are children of interfaith marriages. A greater number of interfaith marriages means it’s likely holiday hosts will be celebrating among family and friends with different religious