First, so much junk food and candy is consumed in this one month than the rest of the entire year combined, so it seems only fitting that to begin the month,
October 1st is actually National Vegetarian Month (in addition to International Coffee Day & International Day of the Elderly!) Moving on to those who are more interested in history (and those who like a random Monday off in the middle of the month), we have Columbus Day, which is typically celebrated on the second Monday in October (October 8th this year) in honor of fifteenth-century world explorer/possible finder of America, Christopher Columbus. Now, we have so much more historical information (and cable packages!); thus, October 9th honors another world explorer, intrepid Viking/possible American discoverer Leif Erickson. They both made it to the Americas and changed the world as they knew it and forever after. To this end, the second Monday in October is now recognized as Indigenous People Day. So no matter what perspective you view the world and our country from or whatever your heritage, Indigenous People have a rich story and proud history that goes back so much farther than previously believed, and what a great way to “Live & Learn” around the week two of our wacky, wonderful October.
As someone who comes from the Social Services sector, if you’re a do-good type, then October is your time to shine. There are several random “Special Days’ ‘ declared throughout the month. So peruse this list and see which one speaks to you. For instance, October 5th is Do Something Nice Day, October 6th is World Smile Day & October 7th is National Forgiveness Day. The second Saturday of October is Tender Love & Care Day, October 19th is Evaluate Your Life Day, and October 28th is Make a Difference Day.
In addition, October is well-known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Both of these causes have been around for decades and have raised millions of dollars and a plethora of awareness and information about these social and medical issues that affect countless every year.
Now I promised something WACKY in addition to wonderful, and I saved the best for last, and I’ve got a pretty long list to choose from. October 7th is Bald & Free Day, October 9th is Moldy Cheese Day (!?!), and the 2nd Wednesday of October is “Take your Teddy Bear to Work Day”
October 17th is Wear Something Gaudy Day, October 21 is Babbling Day, October 25 is Howl at the Moon Night, and October 30th is National Candy Corn Day.
So, as I wrap this up, I hope you have enjoyed my October review. Of course, I will always think Halloween is the best thing about October, but there is plenty of other cool stuff as well.
And the older I get, hopefully, I am not only getting wiser but more willing to try new and interesting things as well.
Happy October! Angela Bozorth