3 Marketing Tips for 2022

It’s no secret 2021 was a tough year for many businesses throughout the country.  However, there certainly is a silver lining – businesses had to adapt to the way their customers interacted with and shopped their brand.

Online sales are up 49% when compared with 2019, and this holiday season is looking strong for retailers and restaurants alike.  As we head into the new year, there has never been a better time to make sure your digital marketing is ready to go!


Email Marketing 

This year, make sure to send an email right before or after New Year’s day to your existing customer base.  We recommend slightly before or after the first because people’s inboxes will be filled with promotional emails from countless brands.  If you plan on sending before or after the first, you’ll likely see an increased open rate for your campaign.

Use this email to engage with your customers, thanking them for their support over the last year, and letting them know what is to come in 2022.  If your business lends itself to offering a promotion, include that as a thank you exclusively for your email list.

By emailing with your existing customer base, you’ll start off 2022 with re-engaged, loyal customers ready to support your business in the New Year.

Social Media

If you aren’t consistently using social media for your business, now is a great time to start.  Although organic posts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram do not reach as many people these days, it’s still important to have recent posts for your business.  Potential customers checking out your business for the first time will want to see recent content to know they can trust your brand before they decided to purchase.

Kicking off even a small growth campaign for more page likes and reach is well worth the investment.  Even with a modest budget of 100 to 200 a month, you’ll reach new customers in your area who have not yet been exposed to your brand.  Ideally, you’ll be able to get them to opt-in to your email list as well, further reducing the cost of marketing to them in the future.

Run a Giveaway 

A great way to generate traction is with a giveaway.  One of our clients was able to generate over 4,000 new emails by giving away 52 large cheese pizzas ( once a week for a year) with minimal ad spend.  The overall cost to the business was low, but the campaign itself had a massive value.  For those that did not win the grand prize, a special offer was emailed to them which helped convert email opt-ins to paying customers.

Start The Year Off Right

No matter what your marketing strategy is in 2022, make sure to be consistent and engage with your followers.  Now is a great time to work on future content, campaign ideas, and setting goals for the year to come!

ECHODigitalSolutions.com/Schedule or 321-373-4010