How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Your Small Business Thrive? by Kim Shivler / M. ED

One of the challenges for many solopreneurs, people who run their own businesses and work as a sole provider, especially coaches, consultants, and service providers, is that everything in the business falls on their shoulders, and sometimes it can seem overwhelming. Read More …

Part Time Work from Home Gigs and Where to Apply By Ani Sharad

The advent of high-speed Internet has given birth to an array of remote home-based gigs. These gigs are ideal for students, stay at home parents, and even retirees. While setting their own hours, one can earn a respectable part-time income. Here’s an overview of five gigs to apply to today. Read More …

Remote Work – The Opportunities Are Real / by Kim Shiver, M.Ed, Speaker, Communications Strategist

Remote Work – The Opportunities Are Real. If you look online for remote work opportunities, you may see ads promising you big money working from home with little or no work. As you probably realize, big money with no work is usually nonsense. Read More …