
April 2020

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  March 27, 2020
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Category: Issues, Issues 2020
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Extreme Changes and Stability

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  March 26, 2020
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Category: Article, Faith
by Jim Campbell, Pastor, Bay West Chruch of Palm Bay, Fl Wow…what a difference a few weeks can make.  Honestly, I never would have thought that, in a few months, we’d be taking the extreme steps that we are taking to combat a worldwide pandemic.  I was in a grocery store the other day and heard a very frightened mom an aisle over living out her fear with her 4-5-year-old. Change is unsettling, and uncertainty

A Beacon of Hope!

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  March 21, 2020
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Category: Article, Faith
By Doug Ellison. Calvary Chapel of Melbourne / together doing life right Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). It’s so important in these dark days, when there are so many overwhelmed by fear, that we share the one thing that we ALL need right here, right now, and that’s

Who is at elevated risk for COVID-19? 

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  March 20, 2020
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COVID-19 continues to dominate headlines across the globe. This novel coronavirus first made headlines in late 2019 after an outbreak in Wuhan, the sprawling capital city in China’s Hubei province. The virus has since spread beyond China’s borders, leading to school closures and changes in public life, such as the shutting down of professional sports leagues, that many might never have thought they would see in their lifetimes. Despite the relative infancy of COVID-19, doctors

20 warning signs of stress

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  March 10, 2020
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
Stress affects so many people and infiltrates so many parts of daily life that it can be tempting to write it off as harmless or just a normal part of being human. But the negative effects of stress are significant, and persons who can recognize that are in a good position to find healthy ways to cope with their stress. The American Psychological Association notes that stress can take a considerable toll on a person’s