La Disciplina logra lo que el Talento no alcanza  La Constancia y la Perseverancia de llegar a la meta

La Disciplina logra lo que el Talento no alcanza  La Constancia y la Perseverancia de llegar a la meta

He escuchado múltiples conversaciones sobre el éxito y ni qué decir la cantidad de libros, conferencias y videos al respecto. Muchas personas enseñan sobre diferentes técnicas y productos y parece que eso ya está inventado; entonces, por qué no todas las personas son “exitosas”? Lo primero que debería decir es que la definición de felicidad y éxito es tan variable y tiene escalas diferentes como personas existen en el mundo.

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 Do People Really Buy from those they Know, Like, and Trust?

Do People Really Buy from those they Know, Like, and Trust?

by: Kim Shivler, M.Ed. One of the most common platitudes thrown around when it comes to selling is: “People buy from those they Know, Like, and Trust.” This is possibly the most misunderstood selling mantra touted by business coaches and floating around networking circles. Successful business development is much deeper than a simple platitude. Let’s break it down.   Know A person has to know you, know about you, or find you in some way in order […]

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 October is Bullying Prevention Month

October is Bullying Prevention Month

Every day, the bright light of our children is at risk of being drowned out by the rain of words and deeds of the bully. Since we can’t stop the bully from doing or saying whatever they want, as parents, grandparents and teachers, we have an opportunity to protect our children by teaching them how Talented, Able and Gifted (TAGs) they are so that believe in themselves rather than the mean words of the bully […]

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