Senior Living Today

June 2024

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  June 24, 2024
Category: Issues 2024

May 2024

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  June 24, 2024
Category: Issues 2024

Transformative Memoir Depicts an Unlikely Journey of Personal Recovery and the Power of Change Randy Mortensen, a renowned business leader and motivational speaker, triumphantly unveils his memoir, ‘God Took Me to Las Vegas…To Get Sober.’ This compelling narrative delves into Mortensen’s remarkable journey from the clutches of addiction to the shores of redemption and sobriety, all set against the neon backdrop of Las Vegas, where he was a resident. Mortensen’s story not only chronicles his personal struggle
Entertainment consumption has shown significant changes in recent years. Reviewing how people entertained themselves in the past, we find that in Roman times, people used to have activities to socialize and entertain themselves, such as Theater, chariot races, gladiatorial fights, and Olympic games. Already in more recent centuries, entertainment consisted of parties that involved music and singing, games, hunting activities, sports tournaments, competitions, circuses, and theater. It could be highlighted that most of the time,
Participate with Black Hole Makers in our FREE electronics recycling program. This program gives you and other members of the community a chance to get rid of any electronics that are no longer in use. As technology is advancing at an       exponential rate, more and more “old” technology is being tossed in the trash and ends up in a landfill. Mercury, lead, and the many non-biodegradable parts of electronics pollute the soil, water,