Will a Free Website Hurt Your Business?

Posted by spotadmin on  June 24, 2014
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Written by Travis Gibb Sometimes, when we talk to small business owners in Brevard County they ask about the free website options on the internet. Since Geo-cities in the early days of the internet there have been places to create your own “free” website. Now there are a variety of free blog and website options and most hosting companies offer a website builder tool. Free websites offer the ability to get your message out quickly and


Posted by spotadmin on  June 24, 2014
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Category: Article, Faith
For all of us, life has periods of time when things are difficult. We have to make hard decisions, tough choices and all of this on limited information, because no one can see the future. There are loads of people from the stock investor who’s “tip” just talked to the guy who got a ticket the other day on Palm Bay Road that would like to have had a little ability to see what was

Brevard Pet Owners Beware!

Posted by spotadmin on  June 24, 2014
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Category: Pet Corner, Article
Yes, folks, it is that time of year! The heat and humidity are sweltering. We need to be mindful of the heat for our pets, especially if they are outside during the day.   If you have a pet outside, please make sure they have plenty of water to keep them hydrated and shade, so they do not overheat. Do you know how long it takes for a dog to become overheated and possibly become a

Healthy Living: The Greatest Patients Ever

Posted by spotadmin on  June 11, 2014
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Category: Healthy Living
The Greatest Patients Ever by Dan Taylor, Audioprosthologist, A Advanced Hearing Care Every now and then something happens to remind you of just how blessed you really are. For me that reminder came a few days ago. I was our office and honestly feeling a little sorry for myself. I was worked up, and worrying over stuff that honestly I shouldn’t have been, and just not having that good a morning when I looked up,

Publisher’s Note: June 2014

Posted by spotadmin on  June 11, 2014
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Category: Article
Welcome to the June edition of Spotlight Magazine. Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to pick up and read through this issue of Spotlight Magazine. Every month we strive to bring you uplifting, entertaining and educational articles along with puzzles and prize giveaways. We fully acknowledge that all of our success with this publication is thanks to our Lord, to you, our loyal readership, and to our devoted advertisers. We welcome any