Welcome to the June edition of Spotlight Magazine.

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to pick up and read through this issue of Spotlight Magazine. Every month we strive to bring you uplifting, entertaining and educational articles along with puzzles and prize giveaways.

We fully acknowledge that all of our success with this publication is thanks to our Lord, to you, our loyal readership, and to our devoted advertisers.

We welcome any opportunity we have to hear from our readers. Please always feel free to reach out to us with any suggestions you may

have on enhancing your experience with Spotlight each month. Our email address isspotlightmagazineinc@gmail.com.

June is the month where we take the time to recognize all fathers in a special way. art for  publisher's notesThe15th of June this yearis Father’s Day, a day when we will honor and embrace our fathers. If you are fortunate enough to have your father here with you on this earth, please make the time for a phone call, a card, or even a hug. Sadly, many of us now only have pictures and memories of our fathers in days gone by. On a personal note, this will be my first Father’s Day without my dad, and I miss him more than ever. Dad, your family loves you. Thanks again for being my Pop!

Publisher, Spotlight Magazine Inc.
Until next month,
Bryan McDonough
Publisher, Spotlight Magazine Inc.