Thank You Spotlight Magazine
Category: Testimonials
Just want to tell you Bryan what a great job Spotlight is doing with our advertisements each month and how impressed I am with all the locations Spotlight magazines can be found in South Brevard. We also have been receiving a nice response from our customers do to advertising with you. I can highly recommend your magazine to any business looking to advertise. As you know, I am tough person to please and Spotlight always
Category: Article
With each New Year that comes our way, we learn even more that the choices we make today will determine the path that lies ahead. Happy New Year everyone! Oh my, how time flies! Depending on when you are reading my notes this month, we may already be half-way through January 2015. As the publisher of Spotlight Magazine, I am always working ahead on up-coming issues. This often makes it seem like my weeks are
Holiday depression can affect both men and women, young and old. Factors include increased stress and fatigue, unrealistic expectations, too much commercialization, and the inability to be with one’s family. The increased demands of shopping, parties, family reunions, and house guests may also contribute. Common complaints include headaches, excessive drinking, over-eating or not eating enough, and difficulty sleeping. Emotional disappointments, physical reactions caused by excess fatigue and stress, can cause and intensify holiday depression. Hospitals