The next Meet-Up / Round Table will be held on August 19th. Please join us as we share stories and share helpful information.

Certified Divorce Coach, Marvis Matarozzo, will be facilitating a 6 session meet-up for any woman contemplating divorce; starting the process or mired in the trenches!

The only thing that is constant is change”, Heraclitus said. Your life is about to change in ways you did not expect or want. Let’s come together and help each other see the other side of this life-altering change and think of ways to start a new adventure.

Divorce is an emotional roller-coaster. You are sad, lonely, afraid, hurt, angry, maybe ashamed, confused and you need someone on your side. You feel unheard, and you deserve to have someone listen to your story. A divorce coach is trained in deep listening, we can hear the shift in your thinking. ( click on the advertisement for more information

I graduated from the ILCT (International Life Coaches Training) and from CDC (Certified Divorce Coaching). I am a member of the International Coach Federation and the CDC. We are required to continue our education in order to stay members and we adhere to a strict Code of Ethics.

The American Bar Association defines divorce coaching as “a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going thru divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their particular interests, needs, and concerns.’ (Nov 25, 2018)

The International Coach Federation is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high ethical standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of credentialed coaches across a variety of coaching disciplines. ICF is active in representing all facets of the coaching industry including Executive, Life Vision and Enhancement, Leadership, Relationship, and Career Coaching. Its 27,000-plus members located in more than 135 countries work toward the common goal of enhancing awareness of coaching, upholding the integrity of the profession, and continually educating themselves with the newest research and practices. Learn more at

Marvis Matarozzo

Matarozzo Divorce & Life-Transition’s Coach
