What to Consider When Working with an Instagram Influencer  by Jeff Lindstrom, ECHO Digital Solutions

Seemingly everyone on social media considers themselves an “influencer” these days.  In fact, many people claiming to be influencers sell sponsored posts to businesses to promote products and brands.  This is a great way to spend marketing dollars for your company if it will be effective.  So how can you tell if you should align your brand with someone’s Instagram? Check Post Engagement  If an influencer has real followers, you should expect real engagement. The Read More …

4th of July at Green Gables

  Come see the Melbourne Fireworks from our beautiful Riverfront Property. Bring your lawn chair and be entertained by the return of the Melbourne Fourth of July Fireworks.. Parking is on Green Gable’s grounds. Free popcorn, lemonade, and home tour for each attendee. Patriotic music will fill the air while you enjoy the breeze off the river. The cost per car (with up to 5 adults) is $20 which benefits Green Gables at Historic Riverview Read More …

Staying Connected by Joe Steckler President, Helping Seniors of Brevard

Helping Seniors is introducing a new program called Staying Connected to reduce isolation in Brevard’s elderly population. The idea for the program comes from work we did at the Alzheimer’s Foundation in the late 1990’s. Each day, two volunteers from AARP called 20 people who lived alone to see if they needed help. Most often it just was a friendly chat, keeping the person connected to a name they recognized. I would sometimes sit and Read More …