Brevard Community Rowing Program is to promote the sport of rowing by providing rowing opportunities to all residents of Brevard County.

Twelve new rowers have joined the ranks of Row Brevard, an adult rowing team located in Indian Harbor Beach.  Row Brevard held a two-day clinic for those interested in learning to row.  The “campers” learned first on ERGs (rowing machines), then took a turn on the eight-person sweep boats on the Banana River.  After the two-day clinic, most were enthusiastic and wanted to join the team.  Rower Brevard is housed in the boat house at Oars and Paddles Park on The Banana River drive in Indian Harbor Beach.  The team practices at dawn on both Saturdays and Sundays.  There is a Wednesday after work row and then Monday and Friday morning rows for those who are able to attend.  The club owns 2 eight-man boats, 2 four man boats, one double and a single, which is currently under repair.  For those interested in more information, the Facebook page is Row Brevard Inc or

Row Brevard Team








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