Saving money for what matters; being wise with taxes

Saving money for what matters; being wise with taxes

by Financial Professional: Erin Long Don’t you just love tax season? No? Me neither. Like most of my clients, you probably recognize the necessity of taxes, but you don’t want to pay a penny more than your fair share. Before I discuss some tax efficiency strategies, let me be clear that I am not an accountant. I collaborate with CPAs and other tax professionals, but we have different roles. Accountants know tax laws inside and […]

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 How to get and keep your finances in order

How to get and keep your finances in order

 In 2015, analysts with the Government Accountability Office found that the average American between the ages of 55 and 64 had accrued roughly $104,000 in retirement savings, a shockingly low figure that would make it very difficult for men and women nearing retirement to maintain their quality of life into their golden years. Things don’t look much better north of the border, where the 2015 Global Investor Pulse Survey from the asset management firm BlackRockfound that […]

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