Hating on couscous

Hating on couscous

by, Jim Campbell, Pastor Bay West Church of Palm Bay Florida I’m not what you consider a foodie…at all.  I’m from the Southern United States, where it’s usually meat and potatoes and fresh vegetables.  I like my steaks well done, my hamburgers big and nothing really fancy.  For most of my life, I hated on things like couscous, which, according to Wikipedia, is a “a North African Berber dish of small steamed balls of semolina”…see? […]

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 Running Faster

Running Faster

by Jim Campbell, Pastor Bay West Church, Palm Bay Florida My family and I ran a race recently.  It was a thing that my wife and the kids wanted to do together, so Dad reluctantly agreed.  Katye loves to run.  My kids are both in elementary school and love to run everywhere.  Not me…I’ve run before, but it’s been a long time and many pounds ago.  My knees just don’t hold up, but for family unity, […]

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 Chasing Tomorrow

Chasing Tomorrow

by Jim Campbell, First Baptist Church of Melbourne, Florida I think we’ve all done something that we would deem “stupid”. At some point, we may have shaken our head, took a deep breath and thought, “I know better than that”…and we probably did. We’ve watched a leader or a celebrity or a professional athlete make a mistake that severely tarnishes their image or destroys their career, and thought “they should have known better.” They had […]

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For all of us, life has periods of time when things are difficult. We have to make hard decisions, tough choices and all of this on limited information, because no one can see the future. There are loads of people from the stock investor who’s “tip” just talked to the guy who got a ticket the other day on Palm Bay Road that would like to have had a little ability to see what was […]

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