Employment: The next step after graduation

Graduation is an exciting time in the lives of students. After years in the classroom preparing for life after school, graduation marks a time when students are finally ready to enter the “real world” and land their first professional job. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics advises that earning a college degree can greatly improve a person’s chance of landing a job. The more education a person receives, the lower his or her prospects of Read More …

Make sure your resume doesn’t cost you a job

Many a night’s sleep has been lost worrying about an upcoming job interview. Questions like “Will I make a good impression?” or “Am I qualified for the job?” can make for a restless night’s sleep on the eve before a job interview. Writing a resume is another aspect of the job hunt that can stoke your nerves. Men and women may pour over job timelines and skill summaries for hours in an effort to ensure Read More …