Platy Multimedia presents the release of the book “Just Like My Dad”

Platy Multimedia presents the release of the book “Just Like My Dad”

Parents everywhere are experiencing the distance from their children and their activities. Just Like My Dad is a book that focuses on the plight of children being compared to the mannerisms of their parents. This book explores all sides of how this comparison can have an effect on a child. It is a book that focuses on the feelings of children, but can also be a great teaching moment for parents. Just Like My Dad […]

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 Local Humanitarian’s Clean Water Initiative for Children in Kenya and Uganda Collaborates with Knights of Malta of Romania

Local Humanitarian’s Clean Water Initiative for Children in Kenya and Uganda Collaborates with Knights of Malta of Romania

  Marty L Ward, Founder of Confidence Builds Success Academy, Inc 501c3 (CBSA), says “CBSA’s mission is to Make bullying obsolete and civility a way of life around the world. Our vision is to provide communities with the knowledge to create harmonious relationships and access to clean water for healthy minds and bodies.”  Right now, Marty needs 19 more water filters to reach her goal of bringing 48 additional water filters to Kenya and Uganda […]

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 Lift Up Young Lives

Lift Up Young Lives

  Teens and young adults who have aged out of the foster care system, have escaped from sex trafficking, or have become homeless with no family support face a brutal life. They are often left to the streets, open to the devastating possibilities of homelessness and addiction. ​ But there is hope for these teens, thanks to LiftUp Young Lives, Inc., a 501©3 organization in Melbourne. The educational and mentoring program launched in August 2018. […]

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 Make his first Father’s Day special

Make his first Father’s Day special

Dads are often the first heros in their young children’s lives. Dads chase away ghosts in the closet, let their daughtersdance on their toes and teach their sons how to win the heart of their first crush. The first Father’s Day a new dad spends with his growing family can be quite memorable, as celebrating one’s fatherhood for the first time is a unique and special time. Spouses and other family members can go the […]

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 Changing Parenting Roles for Dad

Changing Parenting Roles for Dad

Parenting roles continue to evolve as families look for solutions that meet all of their needs. In an effort to meet the financial demands of raising a family, parents may be taking on less traditional roles. For example, many fathers are now stay-at-home dads. The number of stay-at-home fathers continues to climb. The Pew Research Center indicates that roughly 550,000 men have become full-time stay-at-home parents in the previous 10 years. Economics have forced many […]

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