Really, Christmas Tree Lights Already ?

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  September 21, 2014
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Category: Faith, Article
  Christmas Trees  by Pastor, Larry A. Attig Becky and I were in a department store and like many couples, she went one way looking for something, I went another. As I navigated the aisles in the men’s section, something caught my attention from the far side of the store. There appeared to be lights floating 6 or 8 feet above everything else. The glow of some was constant, while others seemed to twinkle in

Advertising with Spotlight Magazine

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  September 17, 2014
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Category: Testimonials
I have been advertising with Spotlight Magazine and have found it to be absolutely essential to our marketing plan, and between the print and online versions, have reached people we  never thought possible.  The readership of this great magazine is active and has made a great difference in the growth of our business, and that helps us help even more people.  I am proud to advertise in the Spotlight and look forward to many years

Spiritual / Poems

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  September 17, 2014
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Ambassador for Christ by : Beverley Squire Ambassador for Christ I am An example for all to see Representing Jesus Christ The word that lives in me Living by is word each day His principles I stand on My life a living testimony Of God alive and strong   Ambassador for Christ I am So judge me not I pray Christ who lived and died for me Will decide my final fate —————————————— The Blessed


Posted by SpotlightBryan on  September 15, 2014
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Category: Photos
Occurring every second Friday of the month, the The Melbourne Friday Fest is the event that Melbourne Main Street is best known for. For this event, they close down roughly 3 blocks of East New Haven Avenue for nearly 100 Arts, Crafts, Business, and Food vendors to come, sell and interact with the public. Celebrating over a decade of prosperous events, Friday Fest typically brings in roughly 1,500-3,000 visitors to the Downtown area for the event.

Is a pet right for your family?

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  September 8, 2014
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Category: Article, Pet Corner
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Pets often make wonderful additions to a household. Parents not only love pets because animals bring smiles to their children’s faces, but also because pets teach kids about responsibility. But the decision of whether or not to bring a pet into a home is a complicated one that parents would be wise to give ample consideration before making their final decision. The following are a few factors parents can consider when deciding if now is