Hello everyone, and welcome to another issue of Spotlight Magazine.School

Can you believe that schools have already started gearing-up for the start of a new school year?  And it looks like this August is going to be showing no mercy when it comes to heat. I know we are all used to living in Florida, but it sure does feel like it is getting hotter faster every year! 

A Big Thank You to those of you who visited our new website. We are very proud and excited to bring you even more quality articles and advertisements with our online presence. We are also hoping to build up our numbers on Facebook as well, so please be sure to “friend” us!  You can easily access our Facebook page from our website.

That’s all for now. Try to keep cool the best you can, remember to stay hydrated,and I will see you next month in print…… or even sooner on the web!

Bryan McDonough

Until next month, God Bless

Bryan McDonough

Publisher, Spotlight Magazine Inc.