Why Donate to a Nonprofit?

Why Donate to a Nonprofit?

As we experience a reduction of government resources to fund nonprofit organizations, you will see this question asked more often. It is no secret that the Brevard County Commissioners have already set in motion a plan to phase out extremely meager public grants to nonprofits under the guise that these funds are needed to pay for the paving of roads. Everyone has a right to his own opinion as to how roads and other public […]

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Building a Senior Provider Network

by: Helping Seniors of Brevard In several counties in Ohio, the citizens have passed tax levies on property to help fund services to seniors. While I am not proposing a tax levy at this time, we should start thinking about how to help seniors who cannot pay for the services they need to stay in their homes, which is a cheaper way to help than putting them in a nursing home. Although we do have federal […]

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