Out of Control

Out of Control

  I was in Walmart today, and as I leave the bread aisle, I hear screaming a couple of aisles over.  As the words came into audio focus, there was hateful profanity and very aggressive language that startled me.  I peaked around the corner just in to see some Walmart employees closing on the location to control the conflict. It seems that everywhere we look these days, you can usually find something or someone that […]

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 Tapping into Our God-given Potential

Tapping into Our God-given Potential

 by Kimberly Ruoff, CCM: Together, doing life Right!   Many couples love to experience an evening out at a fine dining restaurant. With reservations made, they arrive and are quickly guided by the maître d to their seats. The ambience of the evening is perfect, from the eloquently decorated table and low lighting, to the relaxing, soft background music. After introductions, the waiter or waitress graciously hands each person a menu. This menu offers a […]

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 Ever felt like a lamp?

Ever felt like a lamp?

by Jim Campbell, Pastor, Bay West Church of Palm Bay Florida Lamps are useful devices.  They are designed to give light to a dark space.  They help us see to read or to walk through a room without injury.  They can also be used to do other things.  You can hang a wet hand towel over the shade to dry or you can use them to prop open doors or even to drive a small […]

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 The Great Awakening of 2016

The Great Awakening of 2016

by Craig Putnam For a long time, I felt the desire to learn more about the Book of Revelation. Researching and studying many interpretations, I always felt there was something missing. One night just before bed I heard a strong voice from my conscience say, “Adam, Noah, Moses and Jesus. Compare them to the first four churches.” This led me to realize the 1st church overcomers received access to the Tree of Life, which is something […]

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 Chasing Tomorrow

Chasing Tomorrow

by Jim Campbell, First Baptist Church of Melbourne, Florida I think we’ve all done something that we would deem “stupid”. At some point, we may have shaken our head, took a deep breath and thought, “I know better than that”…and we probably did. We’ve watched a leader or a celebrity or a professional athlete make a mistake that severely tarnishes their image or destroys their career, and thought “they should have known better.” They had […]

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