WAITING … by Jim Campbell / First Baptist Church of Melbourne

WAITING … by Jim Campbell / First Baptist Church of Melbourne

I was in the line the other day behind one of you (and you know who you are) that play the lotto. To be honest, you were taking a really long time and I was really ready to say “Can’t you pick this stuff out before you get to the register? It’s not like everything isn’t displayed right there, you know?” Then I stopped myself…and thought “this is an opportune moment for me.” There wasn’t […]

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 Extreme Changes and Stability

Extreme Changes and Stability

Wow...what a difference a few weeks can make.  Honestly, I never would have thought that, in a few months, we’d be taking the extreme steps that we are taking to combat a worldwide pandemic.  I was in a grocery store the other day and heard a very frightened mom an aisle over living out her fear with her 4-5-year-old.

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 The Joy Journey

The Joy Journey

When you think about the word “joy”, what comes to mind? Some say a new baby, a wedding, or even a beach day. In both the Old and New Testaments, “joy” is described as gladness, delight, or pleasure. Let’s take a journey of joy through the scriptures.

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