Same Boat
Category: Spotlight Videos
Toy Donation Drive / UTB United Third Bridge, Inc. November 25th – December 8th, 2024
Category: Press Release
Gary Yeomans Ford Palm Bay is partnering with UTB United Third Bridge, Inc. in celebration of Three Kings Day. Fill-A-Ford 4Kids is their annual Christmas toy donation drive. This year it will benefit children in Brevard County in celebration of Three Kings Day, the final celebration with which the 12 days of Christmas end on January 6. It is believed that on this day, the three wise men – Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar – presented
Transformative Memoir Depicts an Unlikely Journey of Personal Recovery and the Power of Change Randy Mortensen, a renowned business leader and motivational speaker, triumphantly unveils his memoir, ‘God Took Me to Las Vegas…To Get Sober.’ This compelling narrative delves into Mortensen’s remarkable journey from the clutches of addiction to the shores of redemption and sobriety, all set against the neon backdrop of Las Vegas, where he was a resident. Mortensen’s story not only chronicles his personal struggle
El consumo de entretenimiento muestra cambios significativos en los últimos años Revisando la historia de cómo la gente se entretenía en el pasado, encontramos que en la época romana las personas solían tener actividades para socializar y entretenerse como: Teatro, carreras de carros, combates de gladiadores y juegos olímpicos. Ya en siglos más recientes, el entretenimiento consistía en fiestas que envolvían música y canto, juegos, actividades de cacería, torneos deportivos, competencias, circo y teatro. Podría