Brevard Cultural Alliance (BCA) is hosting Wild About the Arts at Brevard Zoo’s Nyami Nyami Lodge on May 25, 2023, and you are invited to attend.   This action-packed event will include presentation of the first-ever Arts Champion award to the Community Foundation for Brevard and the winner of BCA’s $2,500 Cash Prize Drawing will be announced. There will be entertainment by the cirque-style Rainbow Circus, live music by Char Good, Alvin Giles and John Garriques, and animal encounters. Artist demos with Ed Carlson,


Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 2, 2023
We’re expecting…kittens!  Brevard Humane Society is hosting an online kitten shower for the month of May to collect urgently needed kitten supplies. Kitten season is upon us, and your Brevard Humane Society currently has over 100 abandoned and stray kittens in foster care. We are asking for support from our community to ensure we have adequate supplies and tools to provide the best possible care for the kittens we take in.  Donations are greatly appreciated

Dating later in life

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 2, 2023
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People are living longer, a reality that can be traced to a number of factors, including advancements in medicine and greater dissemination of information regarding preventive health care. As people live longer, some may outlive their significant others and ultimately find themselves once again interested in sharing experiences with a special someone. Seniors ready to re-enter the dating pool may find that things are quite different from what they experienced as naïve teenagers or young

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  May 2, 2023
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Category: Press Release
National Women’s Health Week is an annual event that takes place in the United States starting on Mother’s Day, this year it is May 14-20, 2023. The purpose of this week is to empower women to make their health a priority and to encourage them to take steps to improve their well-being. During this week, women are encouraged to schedule regular check-ups with their healthcare providers, to learn about preventive health measures such as mammograms

Workplace Essentials: Resolving Conflict at Work

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  March 13, 2023
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Workplace Essentials: Resolving Conflict at Work By Alan Bernstein, SHRM-SCP President and Chief Human Resource Consultant of HR Office Savers, Inc. People often assume that conflict is always negative. This is not true! People are inherently different, and conflict can happen when those differences come to light. Equipped with a conflict resolution process, you can explore and understand those differences and use them to interact in a more positive, productive way. Create an Effective Atmosphere