Coping With Criticism

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  July 2, 2014
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Category: Faith, Article
Recommended Reading:   Coping With Criticism by Jamie Buckingham Excerpt from Coping with Criticism — It took a long time before I recognized there is a difference between coping with criticism and being immune to it. A couple of years ago, after having gone through several moderate encounters with angry people—and not going into depression or getting angry in return—I began to feel I had at last conquered my old problem. One Friday, speaking at

Publisher’s Note: July 2014

Posted by spotadmin on  July 1, 2014
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Category: Article
Happy Independence Day to all! This holiday, commonly known as the Fourth of July, commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence back on July 4, 1776, and celebrates the date when we declared our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and yes, political speeches and ceremonies. Go ahead and take some time to enjoy the day

Spotlight: July 2014

Posted by spotadmin on  July 1, 2014
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Category: Issues 2014, Issues
Spotlight Magazine: July 2014

Why would anyone want to advertise in “Spotlight Magazine”? – R. D.’Dan’ Taylor

Posted by spotadmin on  July 1, 2014
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Category: Testimonials
Why would anyone want to advertise in “Spotlight Magazine”? Small, and medium sized businesses today are challenged like never before, when it comes to getting their message out to the people who just might want to come in, and do business with them.  Advertising, and marketing make up a major section of every successful business’s budget, and ours is no different.  While all of us who run a business, are aware of the need to advertise,

How to keep things light when dining out this summer

Posted by SpotlightBryan on  June 29, 2014
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Category: Article, Healthy Living
Dining out is a great way to experience new cuisine and enjoy a meal with family and friends. But dining out often leads to overeating, a problem that’s unhealthy year-round but especially inconvenient when warm air makes it more uncomfortable to deal with the side effects of overeating. Though some restaurants offer large portions that can make it difficult to lighten things up when dining out in the summer, the following are a handful of