Spotlight Magazine: September 2014
Category: Issues 2014, Issues
[gview file=""]Spotlight Magazine: September 2014
Category: Article
Greetings to you, our Spotlight Magazine readership! Does anyone know where the month of August went to? I am not sure how your calendar was looking, but mine was filled with back to back work and social meetings throughout this past month. I hope it’s true what they say about keeping busy keeping us young, but it sure makes the time fly! Now while keeping up with life’s daily happenings, I have also recently started
Life is often difficult and schedules seem unrelenting, so Becky and I took a 5 week sabbatical in August. The plan was simple, we would visit all the kids (free lodging is appreciated when possible), then head to Michigan for a celebration of life service for a good friend, and we would make most of the trip on our motorcycle. The weather was perfect as we left Nashville making our way to Richmond, Kentucky. After
Back To School Nutrition
Category: Article, Healthy Living
by Dr. Deanna Carlisle, Carlisle Chiropractic Center As a new school year approaches, I want to remind parents of the important role nutrition plays in assuring kids a successful school year. Nutrition and learning go hand in hand. Kids who are nutritionally fit are more likely to have the energy, stamina and self-esteem that enhance their ability to learn. Running out the door with thoughts of seeing old classmates, joining new clubs, participating in school