If you suspect someone is using your WiFi without permission, here are some ways to detect unauthorized devices: 1. Check Your Router’s Connected Devices You can usually see all devices connected to your WiFi through the router’s admin page. Here’s how: Find your router’s IP address (often or in your network settings. Login to the router’s admin page by typing the IP address into your browser and entering your login credentials. Look for a “connected devices” list to view all
Pharmaceuticals vs Natural Products – You Have Choices
Category: Dr. Kevin Kilday - Holistic Health, Healthy Living, Article
Dr. Kevin Kilday, PhD, CRPS, Dean of Faith College of Natural Health For many years, people have wondered what the difference between herbal and conventional medicine is, and you’d be surprised to learn that they are as different as they are similar. The biggest difference is that natural herbal products are organic and only lightly processed. Whereas pharmaceuticals are synthetic and highly processed, even if the active ingredient is derived from a natural plant. For
Why Avoiding Conflict Is Slowly Harming Your Relationship
Category: Johnny Lascha-Health & life Coaching, Article
Does the word “conflict” make you cringe? For many of us, it’s synonymous with stress, discomfort, or even fear. But avoiding conflict altogether can be far more damaging than the tension it temporarily shields you from. Here’s the truth: conflict is a sign that something important needs your attention. By dodging it, you’re effectively ignoring an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. Over time, unresolved issues morph into resentment, and resentment, left unchecked, hardens into apathy—the
What if?
Category: Jim Campell-Faith, Faith, Article
In a musical family, every Christmas is always the same thing. How many concerts and performances can we pack into 23 days or so? I’m pretty sure between the 5 of us, we’ve gotten more than 15-20 or more a few times. In addition to the music stuff, there’s Christmas parties, Christmas events, parades, Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and then if you want to do something for others….needless to say, the