The Greatest Patients Ever
by Dan Taylor, Audioprosthologist, A Advanced Hearing Care

Dan pixEvery now and then something happens to remind you of just how blessed you really are. For me that reminder came a few days ago. I was our office and honestly feeling a little sorry for myself. I was worked up, and worrying over stuff that honestly I shouldn’t have been, and just not having that good a morning when I looked up, and walking in was Bishop Horace Lindsay, pastor of Glory Bound Church of God in Palm Bay, and one of the most witty and inspiring folks I know.

Over the past few years I’ve had the distinct pleasure of getting to know Horace, and he is honestly the closest thing I have to a spiritual advisor. In short, Horace is someone I look up to and respect very much. Him coming in to see me was, exactly what I needed, as it was obvious that something was eating at him that morning as well. He just didn’t have the normal bounce in his step, and smile I’d become so accustomed to.

Now, Horace’s hearing can best be described in two words; very bad. With hearing levels in the severe to profound range, without his instruments, Horace is pretty much in a world all by himself, and his flock without their Sheppard.

With so many people depending upon him, getting it right for Horace just flat matters, not just to him, but to all those folks depending on him in their times of crisis.

So, as we weren’t real busy, we went into my office, where I was gratefully able to choke down my impulse to unload on a fella who was already carrying what appeared to be a bit of a load, and made myself focus on Horace, what was going on in his life, and why he was there.

artpicInstantly I felt better for getting out of myself and just listening. It seems he had indeed been dealing with a flock with several folks in crisis and need of help. The empathy, compassion and patience of this man has never ceases to amaze me. So, we chatted a bit, and before long, without realizing it, we were both laughing, carrying on. Obviously, out of the mood that was weighing each of us down just minutes before.

Seems Horace wasn’t having any real issues with his Strata 16 system, just that he was missing a bit in certain environments, and wanted to see if we couldn’t tweak the system a bit for better understanding.

One of the features I enjoy most when having to make such adjustments is Rexton’s superb data logging features. While not telling me what is being said, or anything like that, these instruments record not just total hours of usage, but daily averages along with the type of sound environment the instruments are operating in, what percentage of the time, as well as how many program changes are being made automatically to accommodate, as well as how many times our patient changes programs, or their volume control.

As I expected, Horace was wearing his hearing aids on average of better than sixteen hours a day. So, I was surprised to see that he was showing that over twenty-five percent of that time, or over four hours a day, was being spent in his Bluetooth Phone program.

When I questioned him, he just nodded, and acknowledged simply to, “Tending the flock.” Then went on to comment about how much better the Strata’s and his MiniBlu RCU worked than the old neckloop system that it had replaced.

I also noticed that Horace was spending over ten percent of his time in the car, and that the Auto 360 program was engaged “I take my granddaughter to school, and all sorts of places. She sits behind me, but with these aids, I can hear her well.”

After a few more questions, I made a few minor adjustments to his system, before getting a hug and a promise to keep praying for each other, as he left, and went about the tending of his sizable flock.

As Horace was leaving, it dawned on me just how blessed I am. Here Horace thought he was the one getting service. Yet, the simple act of getting out of myself, and serving someone else. That of listening to his problems, instead of focusing on mine, had totally transformed my mood.

It was then that I realized what a blessing not only Horace, but all of our patients are. They give our life meaning, and purpose, everyday. Without them, well I wouldn’t have anyone to practice on now would I.

Once again, I was reminded of why we are here, and that what we do really does matter. Not just to Horace, but to all of the other folks we serve, and those others who rely on their ability to communicate easily and effectively.

Horace reminded me when I needed it most, of the why we do what we do, and that what we do matters to far more folks that those we actually fit hearing aids to. Proving to me once again, that ours is truly, a blessed practice.

Thanks to each and every one of you, who put your trust in us for your hearing care needs. You are simply the best..

Should you, or someone you love need hearing help. That is why we are here. Drop in any weekday morning from 9:30 till Noon, and we’ll be glad to demonstrate just what it means to be patient centered, and results oriented, and have fun doing it.

For over twenty-two years, helping folks reconnect to the things, and people that matter to them, from the Heart of Historic Downtown Melbourne, Florida from Suite #12 in the Arcade Building at 720 East New Haven Avenue. Give us a call at 321-722-2894, or just drop by to meet some of the best patients in the known universe.

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