Health-First-LogoHealth First’s Holmes Regional Medical Center and Palm Bay Hospital Auxiliaries are looking for friendly, caring volunteers, including retired nurses and clinicians, to join their team.

Health First is Central Florida’s only fully integrated health care delivery network with more than 7,800 associates and 2,350 volunteers.
Auxiliary volunteers are critical members of the Health First Care Team assisting patients, guests and customers who visit the hospitals. Whether you’re looking to fulfill community service hours for school, complete an internship or find a way to stay involved after retiring, Health First has a wide range of volunteer opportunities.
Duties may include serving as greeters, staffing admissions and information desks, driving courtesy carts, escorting customers to and from their cars, helping out in our gift shops and more.
Angie Baumgardt, a member of Health First’s Palm Bay Hospital Auxiliary, has volunteered at Health First since 2005 when she moved here from Ft. spot0315_ pg 44 article pix

“I started volunteering at the hospital even before I had finished unpacking,” said Baumgardt, who also has served as president of Health First’s Holmes Regional Auxiliary.

To learn how to become a Health First volunteer at Holmes Regional or Palm Bay Hospital, please call 321-434-8519.