“Seniors and the Dark Ages”

“Seniors and the Dark Ages”

by: Joe Steckler Dear Friends, The title seems ominous, does it not? Many years ago when I was a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, the time after we returned from Christmas leave was called the “Dark Ages.” Nothing much was happening, there was nothing to brag about, nothing to look forward to. Some seniors may feel the same way, but don’t let this terminology apply to your life! Recently I met with a Board member […]

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 “Issues as We Get Older”

“Issues as We Get Older”

by: Joe Steckler Dear Friends, I recently read an article about the ethics and morality of Medicaid planning. Those of you who follow me on radio and television know I am no stranger to discussing Medicaid planning, just as I am not afraid to discuss the inadequacies of elder advocacy or the misuse of public or privately donated funds. So today let’s address using money wisely to help more people.  Medicaid. Medicaid was initiated in 1965 […]

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 Navigating The Eldercare System

Navigating The Eldercare System

by: Joe Steckler Dear Friends, Having worked the Florida elder care system for the past 25 years, I recently conducted a self-test of the system. The disastrous results of that action prompted me to write this article, which I shall send to the authorities. I believe we have responsibility. We all should be more concerned with what potential users of Florida’s elder care services are actually being told, the problems they are encountering and the fact […]

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Local Help for Space Coast Seniors

Dear Friends, In August 2011, Helping Seniors of Brevard County was incorporated to educate seniors and caregivers while connecting them with available resources. We seek to complete rather than compete with existing non profits by making sure seniors get the care they need. Having worked with elders for the past 25 years (and being elderly myself), I knew it would be challenging to start a new organization. We have persevered with our mission, though, for […]

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