Facing the Reality of Getting Older

Facing the Reality of Getting Older

by : Helping Seniors of Brevard  The activities associated with Hurricane Matthew have impacted this senior citizen and I readily admit my own frailties. Before, I was never concerned with all of the side effects of the aging process but Matthew has made me rethink some of the decisions I now face. Over the years I have written many columns about the need to eat healthy foods, exercise, stay mentally alert and be thoughtful of […]

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 Renovations for senior safety

Renovations for senior safety

 As adults approach their golden years, the homes they once thought of as sanctuaries can become unsafe. Families wrestle with the decision to keep parents and grandparents in their homes or move them into assisted living facilities or other senior residences. The National Institute on Aging says that families may be able to have a senior stay at home by helping older relatives remain independent but safe. The following are a few ways to do just […]

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 Exercise and arthritis

Exercise and arthritis

Across the country, more than 50 million people are living with doctor-diagnosed arthritis. So says the Arthritis Foundation, which projects that figure will rise to 67 million by the year 2030. Simply put, arthritis is a significant problem, one that can not only affect a person’s quality of life, but also his or her pocketbook, as the Arthritis Foundation notes that woking-age men and women (those between the ages of 18 and 64) who contend […]

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