Reasons a mutt should be your next dog

Reasons a mutt should be your next dog

“Mutt” and “mongrel” have long had negative connotations, but there’s no need to turn one’s nose at mixed breed dogs. Dogs of any kind, regardless of lineage, can be cherished companions who offer years of tireless love and affection. In fact, mutts have gained steam as dogs of choice thanks to new, more trendy monikers, such as “designer dogs” or “cross-bred pups.” In addition, many well-recognized purebreed dogs popular today were likely once amalgams of […]

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 Great reasons to adopt your next pet

Great reasons to adopt your next pet

There is no end to the companionship, love and joy a pet can bring to one’s life. That is perhaps one reason why the number of pets surrendered to shelters each year so greatly upsets animal lovers. But the same places that house animals that were lost or abandoned can be the very locations where families find new pets to love. The ASPCA estimates that 6.5 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the United […]

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Is a pet right for your family?

Pets often make wonderful additions to a household. Parents not only love pets because animals bring smiles to their children’s faces, but also because pets teach kids about responsibility. But the decision of whether or not to bring a pet into a home is a complicated one that parents would be wise to give ample consideration before making their final decision. The following are a few factors parents can consider when deciding if now is […]

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 Human food dangerous to pets

Human food dangerous to pets

Many pet parents do their best to ensure optimal health for their companion animals. Veterinary visits, exercise and diet play an integral role in pet health. Pet owners tend to be very selective when choosing commercial pet foods, but sometimes they’re less discerning when they offer scraps of their own food to pets. It can be hard to resist the pleading eyes of a pet looking for a handout from the dinner table. While it […]

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 Understanding rabies can protect pets and their owners

Understanding rabies can protect pets and their owners

The benefits of warm weather are numerous and include the opportunity to spend long hours outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Increased time spent outside, whether at parks, beaches or right in one’s own backyard, means a greater likelihood of coming into contact with wildlife. Just as people are anxious to frolic in the nice weather, so, too, is nearby wildlife. Chance encounters between people, pets and wildlife are generally uneventful. However, should such encounters include […]

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