Why Donate to a Nonprofit?

Why Donate to a Nonprofit?

As we experience a reduction of government resources to fund nonprofit organizations, you will see this question asked more often. It is no secret that the Brevard County Commissioners have already set in motion a plan to phase out extremely meager public grants to nonprofits under the guise that these funds are needed to pay for the paving of roads. Everyone has a right to his own opinion as to how roads and other public […]

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 Stay at Home and Stay Happy

Stay at Home and Stay Happy

  There’s no place like home. But sometimes, it is hard for people, especially the elderly, to remain at home, even though that is where they want to be. Without some assistance with daily tasks, many find they must leave their homes. Enter Sandra Styles, LLC, non-medical elderly care. Sandra Styles, LLC is a non-medical assistance service that creates a stress-free way of living by providing tender loving care for those who need it. Family […]

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