Electronics may have surprising effects on health

Electronics may have surprising effects on health

According to the latest annual visual networking index forecast from Cisco, there will be four networked devices and connections per person across the globe by 2021. While there is no denying the many positive attributes of electronics and global connectivity, research indicates that some health concerns may be tied to our devices. Cancer from phones Smartphones, flip phones and their predecessors give off a form of energy known as radiofrequency, or RF. As the amount […]

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 How to overcome workout fatigue

How to overcome workout fatigue

Regular exercise provides a host of immediate and long-term benefits. Those who exercise regularly can maintain healthy weights while reducing their risk for illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. While exercise can make people more energetic throughout the day, some might find themselves battling fatigue during their workouts. Muscle fatigue is a normal side effect of exercise, but people who are experiencing difficulty getting through their workouts due to fatigue may benefit from the […]

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 Holiday Depression ? What You Can Do

Holiday Depression ? What You Can Do

Holiday depression can affect both men and women, young and old. Factors include increased stress and fatigue, unrealistic expectations, too much commercialization, and the inability to be with one’s family. The increased demands of shopping, parties, family reunions, and house guests may also contribute. Common complaints include headaches, excessive drinking, over-eating or not eating enough, and difficulty sleeping. Emotional disappointments, physical reactions caused by excess fatigue and stress, can cause and intensify holiday depression. Hospitals […]

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