Safeguard against COVID-19 when grocery shopping

Safeguard against COVID-19 when grocery shopping

Supermarkets and other food merchants are allowed to stay open as “essential” retailers amid the mass shutdowns prompted by the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Along with banks, gas stations and takeout restaurants, supermarkets are among the few places that people are allowed to visit to procure the necessities of everyday life.

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 Boost Your Immune System to Stay Healthy

Boost Your Immune System to Stay Healthy

Recent studies have shown that receiving regular Chiropractic treatment reduces inflammatory cytokines, boosts your immune system, enhances pulmonary function, decreases mental and oxidative stress Relieves muscle tension, and can naturally increase your energy level. We are open and here to help! The US Dept of Homeland Security deemed Chiropractic Care essential and during this stressful time, we want to help you out!

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 Local HR Company HR Office Savers extends support for small businesses and displaced workers related to COVID-19

Local HR Company HR Office Savers extends support for small businesses and displaced workers related to COVID-19

HR Office Savers announces it will assist local businesses by waiving initial consultation fees related to COVID-19 through the end of April. For existing clients, the company is extending payment terms with no late payment penalty through May 2020 for any client in need. In service to our community, the company will also be offering complimentary virtual information sessions on demand, beginning Tuesday April 7th with the Melbourne Regional Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council.

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