Can a Podcast Help Market Your Business?

Can a Podcast Help Market Your Business?

Podcasts and podcasting are hot, and growing. According to the latest survey by Edison Research, 44% of people in the US have listened to a podcast. That’s 124 million people, and 12 million Americans listened to a podcast for the first time during the past year. What is a Podcast? If you’re new to podcasting, think of it as an Internet radio (and sometimes TV) show that can be listened to anytime. How do You […]

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 What is a business plan?

What is a business plan?

Businesses large and small can benefit from drafting business plans before beginning operations. A business plan is a description of a business’ projected future, and this document will spell out exactly what a business owner plans to do and how he or she will put that plan in motion. Forbes says that entrepreneurs can benefit from business plans because the process of developing them will help business owners understand which type of business he or […]

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