Spotlight Magazine is the cornerstone of Brevard County. If you want to know what event to attend or learn what business really care about this community. You need to pick up the latest issue of this magazine. I read it online and its been a great resource. Travis Gibb / Effex Agency
The Melbourne Regional Chamber and Spotlight Magazine is proud to introduce Melbourne Main Street as our first Spotlight Business! As one of 42 Main Street programs in Florida, Melbourne Main Street is so unique, since few cities within the US Main Street program have two distinct downtown’s. Created in 2008, Melbourne Main Street works on a multi-faceted approach to economic development Promotion, Organization, Economic Restructuring, and Design to transform Melbourne’s downtown. According to Casey Gilbert, Executive
How Proactive IT Services Can Help Improve Your Business’ Security
Category: Computer - Tricks & Tips, Business Tidbits, Article
If 2014 was “The Year of the Breach,” with a whopping 43% of North American firms telling the Ponemon Institute that they experienced a hack in 2014, then what lies ahead in 2015 for technology and security? Tech Crunch described our current state of awareness as “a tipping point for cybersecurity.” The FCC recently brought its first data breach enforcement action against two telecommunications carriers, fining them $10 million for failing to protect
Delivers what they Promise
Category: Testimonials
Indian River Antique Mall has been advertising with Spotlight Magazine since we first opened. Bryan is very well connected to the community which results in excellent ROI for our advertising. Further, they are extremely responsive and deliver what they promise. Henry Olender / Indian River Antique Mall