River Oak Dental now offers Solea, Convergent Dental’s new dental laser, making it the first practice in Brevard County to be equipped with this technology. For dental patients, Solea technology will replace the traditional dental drill, enabling pain-free, anesthesia-free procedures while eliminating many of the common anxieties and

other dislikes shared by dentist-goers. Versatile enough to be used for most types of dental procedures, ranging from simple cavities and fillings to complex surgeries and incisions, it also allows for multiple procedures to be done in one appointment, substantially reducing the need for multi-appointment procedures.Additional patient advantages of the Solea laser include:
· No needles, numbness, soreness, “fat lip” or slurring
· No jarring noises, vibrations or other unpleasant sensations
· Faster and fewer visits“Similar to how Lasik revolutionized corrective eye surgery, this technology is game-changing for the dental care experience,” said Dr. Liliana Marshall, DMD and the owner of River Oak Dental. “From a dentist’s standpoint, it increases precision and speed, letting us do more in less time. For patients, it not only eliminates the top anxieties associated with going to the dentist, but it means less downtime and other disruptions. Patients can essentially get in, get out, and jump right back into their busy day.”“River Oak Dental is at the forefront of a dental revolution,” said Convergent Dental CEO Michael Cataldo. “People all over the county have been pleasantly shocked after experiencing anesthesia-free and virtually pain-free procedures. The skilled practitioners at River Oak Dental are now able to deliver that experience to each one of their patients.
About River Oak Dental
River Oak Dental is a family-owned dental practice devoted to restoring, enhancing and maintaining the health and beauty of patients’ smiles. Located in Palm Bay, Florida, River Oak Dental combines the use of conservative, state-of-the-art procedures with the highest level of safety, expertise and customer service as part of its commitment to providing lifelong oral health and long lasting cosmetic results. For more information about this practice, please visit
www.riveroakdentistry.com or call
321-723-2620. Follow the company on Facebook and Twitter.
About Convergent Dental, Inc.
Convergent Dental, Inc., is a privately managed dental equipment and technology company and is the developer of Solea™, the world’s first computer-aided, CO2 laser system to ever be cleared by the FDA for both hard and soft tissue indications. Solea cuts significantly quieter, finer and faster than any other laser-based system in dentistry. Solea’s speed and precision is a result of patented technologies and computer system controls that are unique to Convergent Dental, Inc. For more information visit
www.convergentdental.com. Follow the company on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+.
Dr. Liliana Marshall, DMD
owner of River Oak Dental.