We’ve all been there—heart pounding, mind racing, consumed by worries that feel impossible to escape. Stress tricks us into believing our fears are monumental and urgent, but are they?

I’ve worked with several women who came to me overwhelmed by worry. One imagined every small mistake at work would lead to disaster—being fired, losing her home, and disappointing her family. But weeks later, not only did she keep her job, but she received glowing feedback and a promotion. Looking back, she saw how much of her energy had been wasted on fears that never came true.

The Truth About Worry
Did you know 85% of the things we worry about never happen? Of the 15% that do, most aren’t as catastrophic as we imagine, and we usually handle them better than expected. Despite this, worry steals our time, energy, and health.

Stress isn’t just in your mind—it’s in your body. It can spike blood pressure, weaken your immune system, and even shrink your brain’s prefrontal cortex, the part responsible for decision-making. Over time, chronic stress can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, insomnia, and depression.

And yet, most of the stress we carry is over things that never come to pass.

A Tool to Ease the Burden: Flash Forward
When you feel worry creeping in, try this tool from the Positive Intelligence program:

  1. Pause and Acknowledge: Recognize when stress is hijacking your mind.
  2. Ask Yourself:
    • At the end of my life, will this matter?
    • Will it make a lasting difference?
    • Is this truly worthy of my energy?
  1. Reflect: Often, the honest answer is “No.”

This practice creates space to step back, reframe your perspective, and redirect your energy toward things that genuinely matter.

The Cost of Carrying Stress
Unexamined stress doesn’t just weigh you down; it can cost you dearly. Relationships grow strained when you’re preoccupied, jobs suffer when worry clouds your focus, and your peace of mind erodes as fear consumes your thoughts. Imagine trading that mental burden for clarity and calm.

Reaching for Support
Stress can feel like you’re drowning, but reaching out is like grabbing a life ring. Just as there’s no shame in taking help from a lifeguard, there’s no shame in seeking guidance from a coach, therapist, or trusted friend.

The next time stress takes hold, use Flash Forward to regain control. And if you need someone to guide you through, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your peace of mind, health, and happiness are worth it.

Your breakthrough could be closer than you think.


Johnny Lascha is an authorized Pasitive Intelligence Coach and a certified Health and Life Coach.

For more information about this article or ways to thrive, visit BeachsideHealthAndLifeCoaching.net