As a communications strategist, trainer and business consultant, I am often asked if there are legitimate opportunities to work from home. People tell me, “Everything I look into is a scam.”

Sadly, many advertised opportunities are scams. It’s easy to find the modern-day equivalent of the Stuffing Envelopes newspaper classifieds from the 1970’s and 80’s. I actually signed up for several of those scams in the 1980’s to do research for a business paper I wrote while at the University of Florida.

As you can probably imagine, in this world of Internet marketing, scams have increased not lessened. So how do you find legitimate opportunities?

Traditional Employment Opportunities

If you are looking for traditional employment, customer service and support positions are available for at home work.

Last year while in Philadelphia, I called what I thought was support for a local Apple Store and ended up speaking to a woman in her home office in Jacksonville. She handled my questions and the sale perfectly and had the hard drive I needed delivered to my hotel.

The key to finding these jobs is to search job sites with good reputations and thoroughly research the company who is hiring. Sites like and are respected sites with many legitimate companies offering work from home positions including customer service, data entry, and technical support.

When researching these, make sure to check your requirements as an employee. Many employers require you to provide extra equipment like land-lines or high speed Internet as part of your employment.

Self-Employment Opportunities

There are many opportunities to work from your house if you want to be self-employed.

Just remember, having a small business is a lot of work.

In the June Spotlight Magazine, I wrote about side hustles. Revisit that article or visit for more information on side hustles and self-employment.

Is Working at Home Right for Me?

Whether working as an employee or being self-employed, working at home requires more discipline than work in a traditional office. At the office, you’re held captive by the facility. At home some find it easier to clean the kitchen or fold laundry than get their work done.

Work at home opportunities can be available for those willing to make the effort to find them and have the discipline to work them. For more information and links to finding jobs and self-emplyment gigs, visit

This article is informational and does not serve as legal advice. Consult a legal professional for your own situation.


About Kim

Kim Shivler, M.Ed. is a speaker, communications strategist, and instructional design consultant. She helps businesses increase sales, improve customer service, and build effective teams. Learn more about her programs at

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