All are invited to attend Comedy Night, presented by CP Couples, featuring two top-notch comedians sure to make you laugh!

Pick up your tickets early ($12/person) or at the door ($15/person)

Click on the Advertisement below for more information and to purchase tickets:






To be a church without borders that inspires others to experience His life, engage His truth and express His love.
CenterPointe is a collection of people committed to sharing God’s story by sharing our own. With a focus on the love of Jesus Christ, we know we are imperfect, broken, and completely dependent on Him. We strive for excellence but believe that ministry can be messy.  We take risks in faith but stay flexible in our approach. We pursue breaking down the barriers that separate our world from the God who has saved them.
Everyone belongs, regardless of their background, culture or personality. We care about each other’s hearts, not what we are wearing, or what we do for a living. We are a family that understands that God’s love, mercy, and grace has no limitations, so neither should ours.
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