Local Author April Cobb nailed it with her recently released thriller/romance and was immediately requested for two book clubs and a third to follow. Book one in the trilogy has been spotted on cruise ships out of Cape Canaveral as well as on the shoreline beaches of Brevard County, Shreve Port, LA., Webster, MA., Pueblo West, CO., Putnam, CT. and beyond. This frenzy began in December of 2021 and has exploded across America.

If you are looking for this summer’s hot read look no further than this tantalizing saga. The story takes place here in beautiful Space and Treasure Coasts of eastern Florida. The main characters are Neil and Cassandra.  The two are flank by such loving characters as Millie a nosey neighbor and her husband, not-to-mention a dark looming menace in the shadows, and a persistent past lover. 

When asked why a trilogy she said “I knew that I had so much more I wanted to share about my characters and without a second thought, I just started book two.”  How would you describe your saga?  April said, “I think it’s a special place where reality and fantasy meet and causing a delightful read. To make any story interesting, you have to add a believable vein that crosses through the characters’ journey. You know, elements that everyday people encounter, like shopping for your coffee creamer. I feel it anchors the fiction to the storyline.”

Be sure to catch a podcast hosted by Cindy Grossman on ‘Mesmerize the mirror at any age’ air date 2/17/2022. See Cindy, Mitch, and April discuss her book and more. Spoiler alert a movie script is also in the works for a thriller titled “Dreams”! 

For your autographed copy of Cassie’s Delicious Stranger, DM April Jacinta Cobb on Facebook or visit the Palm Bay Harley Davidson dealership on May 28th from 9:30 – 6:30 p.m. The dealership will host guest author April Cobb and other vendors for the Plant and Spring Fest coordinated by Barbara Snow, the event planner. Payments accepted are PayPal and Squareup.com (all major credit/debit cards accepted), also available on Amazon.com in paper and Kindle.  

To view Cassie’s Delicious Stranger on Amazon, please use the below button.

St. Francis Reflections