f7b32750-610b-4f7f-8871-2d38c098ce91Win Our Nations, Inc. is a Christian based mission organization established in the UK in 1985 and has been based in Cocoa, Florida since 1998 and for almost two decades has had the joy and privilege of reaching out to the nations of the world, which include taking various teams to Haiti, Venezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, India, Cameroon, South Africa, Indonesia, and Greece. In 2016 after many years in India through the benevolence ministry to the poor through medical camps, food relief programs in rural and tribal areas, WON was deeply honored to be recognized by the Government of India to receive the prestigious ‘Jewel of India’ award last year.
Blo 12345International Directors Dr. Malcolm and Phyllis Blowes have been full time missionaries since 1992 when they left their native home in England to live in East Czechoslovakia for 5½ years, which eventually became the Republic of Slovakia. They are celebrating 25 years in full time ministry this year. They have a residential Bible College and vocational school in India. The two countries and cultures are quite different, but with the same goals operate teaching unity in the love of Christ.
WON has two expanding orphanages in India and Cameroon. Over the years’ land has been purchased and buildings constructed in both countries. Children have been rescued from tragic situations and brought into a loving and kind home to thrive in a holistic environment. All the children are educated, clothed, medically provided for and above all…loved!
In Africa, often a child is rescued from a remote area where the villagers eke out a meager living and one more mouth to feed is simply not possible, many are orphaned because the parents have died of the AIDS virus and the close relatives are simply unable to take in another family member. Almost every child that arrives at the orphanages are under nourished, fearful and illiterate. Children are amazingly resilient and it’s a tremendous joy for our national staff that love and take care of the children to watch them blossom and flourish. The children grow up valuing education and become diligent students with aspirations of careers in various fields.

WON India’s orphanage is situated in the south east on over 4 acres of land where the children have plenty of space for sports and play. Some of the older children are now attending college which is an amazing achievement since when they arrived at the orphanage they were totally illiterate and now excel in their studies. In 2016 Win Our Nations India opened an Elementary School which has 120 students in attendance with plans to expand in the future. On their land citrus trees and other crops are grown. A buffalo herd provides all the milk and there a plan to raise goats in the future for generating funds. Over a fifteen-year period many rural churches have been planted

In Cameroon, Africa, WON orphanage is situated in the north west of Cameroon on six acres of land. Construction was completed last year on the newly purchased land and the children are housed in cottage style units. Other buildings are still being constructed. The children’s ages ranges from 18 months to 16 years. The older children help raise crops and small livestock. WON Cameroon also has started some local businesses that help generate funds and provide local employment. They have some children with physical disabilities including one young girl who has cerebral palsy, she was rescued from another orphanage where she had been physically abused to the point of being hospitalized with a broken arm! As also in India all the school age children are educated and are excelling in their studies. Win Our Nations Cameroon orphanage has a phenomenal choir and last year they were asked to perform in the capital city of Yaoundé at the American Embassy. For more information go to: www.winournations.com