I am part of a generation that grew up in the process of implementing technology on a personal scale. When I was a child, I had the opportunity to play with my neighbors around my house, ride my bike for hours, watch television only when my mother allowed me after I had finished my chores and obligations at home; and I went from having long-players to CDs. That was the most technological thing that I experienced in my childhood, something that I am infinitely grateful now because, as an adult, I have the discretion to decide if I connect to a device for hours or not. Kids these days can do it for entire days and nights.

I went through the transition from having a single phone for the whole family in the house to having a ‘smart’ phone that now has our entire lives there. Doesn’t it seem like a strong transition that technology has given in our lives? I remember my first phone was a Nokia, and the battery alone weighed about half a pound, and it was only good for that: to make or receive calls. The first time I had access to a computer, I had to learn to manage a manual of about 400 pages, and I had to use codes to center a title or create a small article (according to my age, of course). The program was WordStar. Who remembers that?

Today technology is a fundamental part of our lives and can be found on our cell phones just a touch away: Communications, finances, virtual connection with friends and family, calendar, health, among thousands of other preferences that did not exist years ago, and now we live by them.

In business, it is no different: The importance of using tools that facilitate processes in a company is essential today. Although there are small businesses that may not be able to access large platforms to improve their processes, there is always the possibility of automating, managing, and facilitating tasks to stay current and grow over time.

These tools are very important to everyone, but it is important to highlight the human touch. Now that we are in moments where artificial intelligence is growing by leaps and bounds, we must also rescue human discernment, memory, and judgment, among others. It is important to value human capacities and abilities to create, innovate, do, and build. Sensations, emotions, feelings, and knowledge are typical of humans and allow survival, innovation, life on a day-to-day basis.

We must embrace technology without letting go of our arms to what is tangible, enjoyable, and lovable. May technology be for the service of humanity and not the other way around.


Carolina Rojas-Gee is the Marketing & Communications Director for the Greater Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce and works with the Multicultural Networking Group to strengthen this community. She is originally from Colombia, which makes this experience more exciting and relevant.