To help mitigate the difficulties faced by families during the disruptions resulting from the current pandemic, our Kiwanis Club is helping in a variety of ways.

In support of the help to families provided by volunteers at Wings of Grace Ministries, the Club donated a $1,000 grant for food, diapers, and related consumables.

Our member Linda Parrish produced over 100 masks and donated them for clients and staff at Devereux behavioral health for children affected by abuse and neglect, to St. Francis Hospice in Melbourne, and to the Navajo Nation in southwestern states.

We continued financial and in-kind support for the children’s and teachers’ educational play activities at the West Melbourne School for Science and workshops directed by Dr. Walter and Kitty Drew based at the Reusable Resources Adventure Center (RRAC). The RRAC serves as a collection and distribution depot for donations of needed supplies, as well as at various workshops and events, for example, for children in the care of Devereux behavioral health for arts and crafts, and as conditions permit, for vacation camps, and for children’s self-directed play at the annual Melbourne Arts Festival.

Our president-elect Dr. Jaya Prakash, in partnership with Coachjaya4health, donates to The Children’s Hunger Project of Brevard $5 per sale of Diabetes: What’s the Big Deal? ( Donations so far total $150.

In June, our Foundation awarded three competitive $500 scholarships to seniors from South Brevard high schools. One specifically focused on vocational education, was awarded for the study of American sign language, to a senior who will be pursuing studies to become a medical doctor.

Kiwanis Club of Melbourne
PO Box 1234, Melbourne, FL 32902
